Adverse events are only a click away from related concomitant medication
Thanks to the use of industry-standard, well known, feature-rich Microsoft Excel™ interface, AdClin Navigator™ is the tool of choice to easily access and navigate clinical data in various situations.
- Physicians: Clinical data concealed in SAS® databases becomes accessible and readable by all the non-technical staff in a few clicks, avoiding lengthy and inflexible printed data listings.
- Blind Reviews: Attached to a video projector, AdClin Navigator™ makes blind reviews more attractive and consistent: instant access to readable data allows rapid and easy exchange of information.
- Programming: Instant access to datasets, variables and formats, easy filtering give optimal understanding of the data and reduces the risk of programming errors.
- Quality Control: Data from a third-party can be reviewed and validated very easily, tracking related data in a few mouse clicks.
Excel 2000 or later, SAS® version 8.2 or later.
Download the AdClin Reporting System leaflet